Some FAQ’s as you get started in Seido karate
How do I enrol my child? When your child has attended a couple of free classes, and they Are sure they want to continue, you collect a Registration Form from the reception desk, or download one here, fill it out and commence payment. When that is all done, your child’s name will appear in the Membership Folder, along with a number, just by the computer. Each time your child attends, they log in to record attendance on the computer using this number.
How much does Seido karate cost? Your child receives 2 free lessons, and then payment is either by term $150, or $50 per month for 12 months. It works out the same in the end. Payment can be made to our dojo bank account 03 0539 0211725 00. Other payment arrangements can also be made.
What should my child wear? At the beginning, our child just wears comfortable clothes and bare feet. At some stage before they are invited to grade, they should get a gi(white uniform). White gi can be most affordably purchased on Trademe, or if you want a new one, from local Martial Arts suppliers. It usually takes around 18 months to learn basics, so there is plenty of time to get hold of one.
Can I watch a class to see what it’s like? Yes! You and your child are more than welcome to watch any number of classes, in fact it is encouraged. You can stay for all or just part of a class, and our receptionist will be able to answer any questions you have there and then. Please contact Sensei Cath if you would like to come and watch, then she can alert the teachers to keep an eye out for you. You can also email Sensei Cath if you have questions.