Senpai Aaron Worthy

Senpai Aaron began his Karate journey in Stoke, Nelson – under the watchful eye of Sei Shihan Stephen
Lomax – back in 2004. He was instantly hooked on the community spirit, sincere respect and individual
development that he experienced there and has experienced since. He discovered quickly that Karate
was much more than just a physical pursuit, though it certainly kept him fit. Senpai Aaron graded to Shodan in 2019 and Nidan in 2023.

Senpai Aaron has trained in Stoke, Nelson, Blenheim and Wellington Seido Dojos predominantly. He has
competed in numerous tournaments both in NZ and internationally and enjoys the added “polishing”
that this can add to one’s Karate form, along with the close peer camaraderie.

During 2018 and 2019 Senpai Aaron was an instructor in the Bruce-Fit fitness classes, and an assistant in
the Yellow belt children’s, and new-beginner adults classes. He firmly believes that everyone can do
more than they ever imagined possible with the right guidance.